
General information

Athletes and coaches receive free admission, but spectators will be charged for the following sports: Track & Field and Boxing.

Daily admission fees: Adults $5. Youth 5 & under are admitted free. 

Age divisions vary from sport to sport. Participants must be prepared to provide proof of age with either a driver’s license or birth certificate upon request from RMSG Staff or Commissioners. Failure to provide proof of age may result in individual and/or team disqualification. Consult individual sport profile for specific age requirements.

Outdoor sporting events are weather-dependent. Competition will be conducted unless the Commissioners, Medical Staff, and/or Rocky Mountain State Games Staff determine weather conditions to be potentially dangerous or in the event of natural disasters or acts of terrorism. There are NO refunds due to inclement weather, natural disasters or acts of terrorism and NO rain dates unless specifically noted on the individual sport profile.

The RMSG has a Zero Tolerance policy. Commissioners reserve the right to disqualify or eject an individual or team for unsportsmanlike conduct from players, coaches or spectators or for any of the following reasons: false representation, use of alcohol and/or drugs, destruction of property, rules infraction, unsportsmanlike conduct or disorderly behavior. Unsportsmanlike conduct resulting in any type of altercation on the field of play, the venue grounds, etc. will result in disqualification for the entire tournament or event with no refund. Spectators affiliated with the participants are responsible for knowing and adhering to the rules and policies of the tournament. Athletes and coaches are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following the rules, policies and code of conduct for their sport(s).

The Rocky Mountain State Games have been organized in accordance with NCAA guidelines with some exceptions. The NCAA ( – Division 1 Manual, clause allows Division I, II and III athletes to participate in all sports in “officially recognized” state and national multisport events including the Rocky Mountain State Games. Rocky Mountain State Games is officially recognized though its membership in the National Congress of State Games. Athletes who have eligibility questions should check with their school athletic administrator or coach. Any athlete with scholastic or collegiate eligibility remaining must comply with rules governing his or her scholastic or collegiate eligibility.

It is the responsibility of each coach to make sure that he/she has emergency contact information for each player on his/her team at all times during competition. Should an emergency situation or injury occur, it is the coach’s responsibility to contact the player’s emergency contact and notify them of the situation.

Athletes may enter more than one sport but do so at their own risk due to various competition formats and the possibility of overlapping schedules. No refunds will be given. Participant entry forms, waivers and the appropriate participant entry fee must be submitted for each sport in which a participant wishes to compete.

It is expressly understood that the Rocky Mountain State Games does not insure against and accepts no responsibility for personal injury or property loss or damage. Each participant is responsible for his or her own medical insurance and must sign all waivers and releases on the back of the entry form. Those participants under the age of 18 must have their parent/guardian signatures on Rocky Mountain State Games waivers and, if applicable, any sport-specific waiver.

Individual medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each division for the sports who have requested Rocky Mountain State Games medals. Team medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded to all team members in each division. Coaches will not receive medals. Results will be available on our web site as soon as possible following the competition.

NO REFUNDS will be given due to cancellation because of inclement weather, natural disasters or acts of terrorism. Exceptions will be made only for the following: entries received after entry deadline, sports or competitions reaching maximum registration capacity, entries received after the maximum number of teams are bracketed or if there are not enough teams or individuals to form a division. All registration and payment information provided will be used only for the purpose of executing and promoting the Rocky Mountain State Games and Colorado Springs Sports Corporation events. All credit card payment information is securely collected through a secure payment portal and will not be disseminated or used for any other purpose.

All athletes must register by the date specified on the appropriate sport profile unless otherwise indicated. For final registration deadlines, please consult the appropriate sport page. All registration is on a first-received, first-filled basis. Once a particular sport is full, registration for that sport will close. It is strongly encouraged that entries be submitted as soon as possible. Participants may register online. Rocky Mountain State Games Staff and/or Sport Commissioners reserve the right to combine and/or eliminate divisions/age classifications if an insufficient number of entries are received.

Registration Instructions: Each sport varies as to site, fees, age requirements, registration deadlines, and National Governing Body membership requirements for competition. Please visit each individual sport profile for links to register.

Administration of policies and regulations is the responsibility of the Rocky Mountain State Games. Most rules have been established by the National Governing Bodies; however, some competition rules or formats may have been altered to make them appropriate for RMSG competitions. Consult individual sport profiles for specific rules. The Rocky Mountain State Games has the right to refuse individual or team entries.

Every person involved with Rocky Mountain State Games has a responsibility to help ensure a safe & respectful environment, including recognizing and reporting inappropriate or potentially harmful behavior when observed. Colorado Springs Sports Corporation is committed to the safety and well-being of all athletes, volunteers, coaches, officials and spectators who engage in this annual community event.

SafeSport is a front-line abuse and misconduct prevention measure that raises member awareness of misconduct and abuse issues in sport. As a part of Sports Corp’s commitment, all Sports Corp Board of Directors, full-time staff, RMSG Sport Commissioners, and RMSG Medical Team are required to complete the SafeSport review prior to the State Games to ensure a safe and respectful competition environment for all.

SafeSport Review Flier
