Saturday – July 19, 2025
Registration Deadline: July 18th @ noon
Day of registration will be from 7:30 – 8:30 AM
Colorado Springs Christian Schools – Lions Gym (3970 N Weber Street Facility, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907))
Junior Novice (White and Yellow Belt only)
Junior Advanced (Orange Belt and above)
Senior Novice (17 years and older, under brown belt)
Senior Advanced (17 years and older, brown belt and over)
Masters Novice (30 years and older , brown belt )
Master Advanced (30 years and older, brown belt and above)
Kata – when registering, please list what Kata you will be doing and who your
partner is.
Competition Rules and Format:
Open competition. Male and female contestants from all states are welcome.
1. Pre-2004 rules regarding medical attention will be used
2. Match times: Seniors – Males – 4 minutes; Females – 4 minutes, Juniors and
Masters – 3 minutes
3. Juniors 12 and under: Chokes and Armlocks NOT allowed. 13-14: Armlocks NOT allowed.
4. Senior and Master Novice Categories: Armlocks NOT allowed.
5. The following elimination system will be used:
More than 5 competitors: Modified double elimination.
5 or fewer competitors: Round Robin elimination.
The use of blue judogi is optional. All competitors MUST have a white judogi. Competitors called to the “white” side MUST wear white and will not be allowed to compete in a blue judogi. Gis other than white and blue will not be allowed.
*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy. Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.