DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? Parkour is a sport of skill and creativity. It’s about using your body in ways we once thought were reserved for cats and monkeys. It’s a sport that combines physical agility, speed, strength, endurance, and coordination, with the mental acuity to do it differently than everyone before you.
This is a FUN Parkour competition for beginners and is open to all athletes ages 6 and up.
Registration Deadline: TBD
SPEED: The athlete moves from point A to point B in a timed race through a designed course of gates and touchpoints. Parkour athletes use their skill, agility, and confidence to move through the course as fast as possible.
FREESTYLE: Athletes will have 90 seconds to show any flip or trick of the top athletes’ best skills and combinations. Skills can range from rolls and cartwheels to flips with full twists off of equipment or your best websters and Arabians. Your own limitation is your own imagination. Athletes are judged on flow, versatility, difficulty, and execution. Athletes will be given 15 minutes prior to their event to create their “flow line.”
TAG: Competitors are randomly split into heats of 4 within their given division; athlete order is randomized. Heats will run 16 chases each lasting 20 seconds with 10 second reset time.
If an evasion is successful, the evader earns a point and remains on the course to be chased by the next tagger. If a tag occurs, no points are awarded. The tagger becomes the evader to be chased by the next tagger. The winner is the evader with the most points. If there is anything larger than a 2-way tie, then a new heat is created. Any tie of two athletes in a heat will result in a sudden death tiebreaker. A successful evasion wins the tiebreaker.
Age determination date for all divisions:
* Athletes age as of December 31, 2024
Athletes are grouped into brackets based on age. The minimum age to compete is 6 years old. (Age brackets are based on age as of December 31st, 2023.)
8U – for ages 6-8 (birth year 2017-2015)
11U – for ages 9-11 (birth year 2014-2012)
15U – for ages 12-15 (birth year 2011-2008)
Adult – for ages 16-34 (birth year 2007-1989)
Masters – for ages 35+ (birth year before 1988)
Pros (16+ … qualified to compete within the past year for FIG, USPK, or USAPK Regional or National competition)
Speed – (use USAPK rules)
Freestyle – (use RMPC rules)
Tag – (combine World Chase Tag rules and RMPC)
11:00am – Check in and warm up for all participants
11:30am – Competition begins
*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy. Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.