
General Information

Competition Date(s)

Saturday, July 11th – Sunday, July 13th, 2025

Registration Entry Fees & Deadlines

Registration Deadline: July 2nd

  • $10 Per Event
  • $1.15 goes to the CSI fund.
  • $5 Surcharge Fee Per Swimmer

Those not on a USA Swimming club team must register HERE.

Swimmers may enter up to 4 events per day. No exhibition swimming will be allowed. All entries are timed finals.

All times must be submitted in short course yards. Our goal is to seed all athletes of similar abilities together.

All entries must be submitted via email in Hy-Tek format. Those who have to be hand-entered will incur a $30.00 charge.

Deck entries will be accepted by swimmers already in the meet.

Entries must be received by the entry chair no later than midnight on July 2nd, 2025. Late entries will be considered at the discretion of the meet director, any changes on the day of the meet will not be reseeded.


Competition Venue

Pikes Peak Athletics Training Center – Altitude 6,286 feet (602 Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907)

Competition Format Details



Pikes Peak Athletics Parents are required to time for a portion of the meet as well as parents from other teams.


Current USA/CSI procedures for warm-up will be used and strictly enforced. At a sanctioned competitive event, USA Swimming athlete members must be under the supervision of a USA Swimming member coach during warmup, competition, and warm-down. The Meet Director or Meet Referee may assist the swimmer in making arrangements prior to the start of the meet. Deck Marshals have the authority to remove any swimmer or coach who does not follow the safety rules during warm-up or the meet. Please note warm-up times on the session schedule. Warm-up assignments will be sent and posted prior to the start of the swim meet.


There will be medals for places 1-3.


The meet will not be scored.


Coaches and officials must be current USA Swimming non-athlete members. Only those coaches with current, valid USA Swimming credentials available will be permitted to act in a coach capacity at this meet. Credentials shall be available at all times. Deck Pass is an acceptable proof of USA membership. Coaches who do not possess these credentials will be required to leave the deck area.

Coaches will be required to check in at the Admin Official desk to show their credentials prior to receiving a heat sheet each session.


Lifeguards and AED devices will be available to all athletes participating in the meet per R-16 rules and regulations.

Additional Notes

Meet Director: Joselyn Auxer (jauxer@pikespeakathletics.com)

Meet Referee: Logan Haag

Admin Official: Craig Orkins

Safety Director: Rory Grigull (rgrigull@pikespeakathletics.com)

Entry Chair: Joselyn Auxer (ppameetentries@gmail.com)


Indoor, 10-lane, 25-yard pool. Up to 10 lanes will be used for competition. Warm-up/cool-down will be available in the competition pool via breaks where warranted/needed.

Start and turn end depth is 7 feet. The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C.

OMEGA Timing System with touch-pads and 10-line elective scoreboard.


Open to all swimmers registered for the Rocky Mountain State Games.

Age groups will be determined by the swimmer’s age on July 12th, 2025.

Competition Rules and Format

Current USA Swimming Rules, including the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy 2.0 (“MAAPP 2.0), will govern this meet. All applicable adults participating in or associated with this meet acknowledge that they are subject to the provisions of the USA Swimming MAAPP and that they understand the compliance with the MAAPP policy is a condition of participation in the conduct of this competition.

Any Swimmers entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member-coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water without the use of the backstroke ledge. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Coaches and officials must be current USA Swimming non-athlete members.

Deck changing is prohibited.

No photography or video from behind the starting blocks will be permitted during the start and relays, this does include from the viewing balcony.

Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, restrooms or locker rooms. Operation of a drone or any other flying apparatus, is prohibited over the venue (pools, athlete/coach areas, spectator areas and open ceiling locker rooms) anytime athletes, coaches, officials and/or spectators are present.

Coaches and parents will be responsible for the behavior and safety of their swimmers and their families. Teams will be held responsible for any damage to the facility. Positive sportsmanlike conduct will be expected.

Only authorized volunteers and meet personnel are allowed on deck. All others must remain in the designated spectator area or in the public lobbies and are now allowed on deck in the racing venue unless timing for an events or volunteering with the management of the meet. Parents and spectators are asked to leave the viewing area once their athlete has completed each individual event.

Competition Schedule

*The meet host reserves the right to change warm-up, start times, or combine sessions depending on entries.

Hosted By:


Competition Begins:

*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy.  Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.