Ultimate Frisbee

General Information

Competition Date(s)


Registration Entry Fees & Deadlines


Registration Deadline: TBD

$10 per player


Competition Venue

John Venezia Park (3555 Briargate Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Competition Format Details





*In Ultimate, mixed means there is female matching and male matching both on the field in a 3/4 or 4/3 ratio.

Competition Rules and Format

  • This tournament follows the standard USA Ultimate ruleset. Players will be sorted into teams before the event, and you will play with that team for the duration of the tournament!


  • Ultimate is played 7 on 7 where each team matches gender by having a ratio of 4 male matching players and 3 female matching players or 4 female matching players and 3 male matching players.


  • Games are played to 15 points, with a hard time limit cap of 1 hour and 45 minutes.


  • Once a team reaches 8 points, there will be a short half time.


  • Teams receive 1 timeout per half, with an additional floater timeout.


  • Ultimate is a non-contact sport. Physical or aggressive play is illegal in the rules of ultimate and can lead to injury. We also highly discourage any player from using the slightest bit of physical or aggressive play to gain advantage in any situation on the field.


Click here for the current USA Ultimate rules.

Competition Schedule



*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy.  Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.
